A Chatbot GUI#
# This Jupyter notebook can be used to build a graphical user interface for a chatbot.
# Just run this from the terminal:
# voila gui.ipynb
from llm_utilities import prompt_scadsai_llm, prompt_ollama, prompt_blablador, prompt_kisski
# decide which LLM to use here:
prompt = prompt_scadsai_llm
chat_history = []
def prompt_with_memory(message:str):
# convert message in the right format and store it in memory
question = {"role": "user", "content": message}
# receive answer
response = prompt(chat_history)
# convert answer in the right format and store it in memory
answer = {"role": "assistant", "content": message}
return response
# Here we can inject knowledge into the chatbot, by telling things the user of our chatbot won't see.
_ = prompt_with_memory("""
You are an extremely talented Python programmer.
You use the word "ehm" at random places in sentences. Every second sentence contains "ehm" or "ehhh".
You are also rude and pedantic. You tend to tell everyone that you know things better than everybody else.
Keep your answers 2-3 sentences short.
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
# Create widgets
output_label = widgets.HTML(value="")
text_input = widgets.Text(placeholder="Type something here...")
submit_button = widgets.Button(description="Submit")
def on_submit(e):
question = text_input.value
if len(question) == 0:
text_input.value = ""
# submit prompt to LLM
answer = prompt_with_memory(question)
# Append question and answer to the existing HTML content
output_label.value += f"""
<div style='text-align:right; color: blue; font-size: 20px'>{question}</div>
<div style='text-align:left; color: darkgreen; font-size: 20px'>{answer}</div>
# Attach the event handler to the text field and the button
text_input.continuous_update = False
# Arrange the widgets for display
display(output_label, widgets.HBox([text_input, submit_button]))