Turning knowledge into a list of question and answers#

In this notebook we take the generated knowledge.txt from the last exercise and turn it into a list of questions and answers. Depending on the language model you attempt to fine-tune, such a format may be required.

from fine_tuning_utilities import prompt
filename = '../11a_prompt_engineering/code_snippets.txt'

with open(filename, 'r') as file:
    content = file.read()

In the following prompt we ask the chat model to do the content conversion. We provide the data and give an example.

qa = prompt(f"""
Convert the following text to a list of questions and answers.


Example format:

How can I denoise an image using Gaussian blur?

Gaussian blur for image denoising can be used like this:
skimage.filters.gaussian(image, sigma=5)

Convert the text above sentence-by-sentence in a format as shown in the example.

How can I display an image with a slider and label showing mouse position and intensity?

To display an image with a slider and label showing mouse position and intensity, you can use the following code:
stackview.annotate(image, labels)

How can I allow cropping an image along all axes?

You can crop an image along all axes using the following function:

How can I show an image stored in a variable `image` and a segmented image stored in a variable `labels` on top?

To show an image and a segmented image on top, you can use the `curtain` function with parameters `image`, `labels`, and optional `alpha`:
stackview.curtain(image, labels, alpha: float = 1)

How can I display an image stored in a variable `image` and enable slicing in three dimensions?

You can display an image and enable slicing in three dimensions using the `orthogonal` function and passing the `image` as a parameter:

How can I build a user interface with sliders for numeric parameters?

To build a user interface with sliders for numeric parameters, you can use the `interact` function with a function and the `image` parameter:
stackview.interact(func, image)

How can I display two images side by side, with an additional overlay view of their overlap?

You can display two images side by side with an overlay view by using the `side_by_side` function with parameters `image1` and `image2`:
stackview.side_by_side(image1, image2)

How can I display an image with a slider to navigate through a stack?

To display an image with a slider for stack navigation, you can use the `slice` function with the `image` parameter:

How can I allow switching between multiple images and displaying them with a slider?

To switch between multiple images and display them with a slider, you can use the `switch` function with a list of images as a parameter:

How can I perform binary edge detection by setting only surface pixels to 1 in a destination binary image?

You can perform binary edge detection using the `binary_edge_detection` function with source and destination arrays as parameters:
cle.binary_edge_detection(source: ndarray, destination: ndarray = None) -> ndarray

How can I create a binary image by inverting pixel values in an input image?

To create a binary image by inverting pixel values, you can use the `binary_not` function with source and destination arrays as parameters:
cle.binary_not(source: ndarray, destination: ndarray = None) -> ndarray

How can I determine centroids of all labels in an image and write coordinates in a pointlist image?

You can determine centroids of all labels in an image and write coordinates using the `centroids_of_labels` function with labels, pointlist destination, and optional include background parameter:
cle.centroids_of_labels(labels: ndarray, pointlist_destination: ndarray = None, include_background: bool = False) -> ndarray

How can I analyze a label map to ensure all labels are indexed without gaps before returning the relabeled map?

To analyze a label map and ensure all labels are indexed without gaps, you can use the `relabel_sequential` function with source and output arrays as parameters:
cle.relabel_sequential(source: ndarray, output: ndarray = None, blocksize: int = 4096) -> ndarray

We store the result in a text file.

with open('question_answers_generated.txt', 'w') as file:

Optional exercise#

If you have a text file full of knowledge, feel free to convert it to a list of questions and answers.

Optional exercise#

Consider reviewing the list of questions and answers. Delete trivial entries or improve the quality.