Installation instructions for Scientific Computing Uni Leipzig (paula)#

Request a Scientific Computing Account at ULei.

Login to VPN and Jupyter Hub, select the configuration paula/A30:

Open a terminal and install [ana]conda

module load Anaconda3
module load Mamba
conda init bash

At this point, we need to reopen the terminal. Afterwards, create a conda environment with one specific python version only.

mamba env create -f
conda activate genai-paula

Make this conda environment available to Jupyter hub like this:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name 'genai' --display-name "ScaDS.AI genai"

To make stackview work, install it outside the conda environment:

conda deactivate
pip install stackview --user

… and reload the page (in browser)

Just in case you want to install more packages later, reopen the terminal, activate the environment and install them:

conda activate genai-paula
pip install other-package 


In case the Jupyter Kernel doesn’t work and/or needs to be removed, you can check if it’s installed by printing out the list of installed kernels:

jupyter kernelspec list

And you can uninstall them using this command:

jupyter kernelspec uninstall genai

Read more#

These instructions were derived/modified from this page.