Prompting basics#

In this notebook we will send basic prompts to large language model (LLM) and receive answers. To skip technical implementation details for this first step, we just import a prompt_... function for now that allows us to access an LLM.

from prompting_utilities import prompt_chatgpt

We can then send English prompts to the LLM by writing %%prompt_chatgpt at the beginning of each cell.

Which countries are in central Europe?

Central Europe is often considered to include the following countries:

  1. Germany

  2. Austria

  3. Czech Republic

  4. Slovakia

  5. Poland

  6. Hungary

  7. Slovenia

  8. Switzerland (sometimes included)

Which parts of Switzerland are not central Europe?

Switzerland is located in central Europe, so it does not have any parts that are not considered part of central Europe.

A comment on reproducibility#

Note that prompt responses may not be very reproducible. You can execute the same prompt twice and receive different responses.

Which parts of Switzerland are not central Europe?

The parts of Switzerland that are not considered part of central Europe are:

  • The Jura region in the western part of Switzerland is considered part of western Europe

  • The Ticino region in the southern part of Switzerland is considered part of southern Europe.