Cropping images#

When working with microscopy images, it often makes limited sense to process the whole image. We typically crop out interesting regions and process them in detail.

from import imread, imshow
#from microfilm.microplot import microshow
image = imread("data/blobs.tif")

Before we can crop an image, we may want to know its precise shape (dimensions):

(254, 256)

Recap: Visualization using imshow:


Cropping images works exactly like cropping lists and tuples, by using indices to specify the range of elements to use:

cropped_image1 = image[0:128]


To crop the image in the second dimension as well, we add a , in the square brackets:

cropped_image2 = image[0:128, 128:]


Sub-sampling images#

Also step sizes can be specified as if we would process lists and tuples. Technically, we are sub-sampling the image in this case. We sample a subset of the original pixels for example in steps of 5:

sampled_image = image[::5, ::5]


Flipping images#

Negative step sizes flip the image.

flipped_image = image[::, ::-1]



Open the banana020.tif data set and crop out the region where the banana slice is located.