Extracting Quantitative Measurements from All Channels#

import os
import tifffile as tif
import numpy as np
import napari
import pandas as pd
import pyclesperanto_prototype as cle
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops_table

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# create napari viewer instance
if 'viewer' not in globals():
    viewer = napari.Viewer()
path = "/Users/laura/projects/Bio-image_analysis_school_ScadsAI/prepared_dataset"

nuclei_labels_path = os.path.join(path, "labels_nuclei")
actin_labels_path = os.path.join(path, "labels_actin")
tubulin_labels_path = os.path.join(path, "labels_tubulin")
filenames = [fname for fname in os.listdir(path) if fname.endswith(".tif")]
 'latrunculin B_timelapse.tif',
 'epothilone B_timelapse.tif',
 'cytochalasin B_timelapse.tif',

Process one image as an example#

filename = "aphidicolin_timelapse"
# read an image, which will be processed as an example
img = tif.imread(os.path.join(path, f'{filename}.tif'))
# load nuclei and actin segmentation
labels_nuclei = tif.imread(os.path.join(nuclei_labels_path, f'{filename}_labels_dapi.tif'))
labels_actin = tif.imread(os.path.join(actin_labels_path, f'{filename}_labels_actin.tif'))
labels_tubulin = tif.imread(os.path.join(tubulin_labels_path, f'{filename}_labels_tubulin.tif'))
(8, 1024, 1280, 3)
# np.newaxis adds a new axis to convert to 2D timelapse (otherwise napari interprets an image with shape 8,y,x as a 3D image)
# new image dimension for each channel will be (8, 1, 1024, 1280)
# this is optional, and can also be done in the viewer Plugins -> Convert to 2D timelapse
img = img[:, np.newaxis, :, :, :]

# do the same for all label images
labels_actin = labels_actin[:, np.newaxis, :, :]
labels_nuclei = labels_nuclei[:, np.newaxis, :, :]
labels_tubulin = labels_tubulin[:, np.newaxis, :, :]
(8, 1, 1024, 1280, 3)
# viewer.add_image(img) # and then in the viewer right click on the layer - split RGB or:
    name=["tubulin", "actin", "nuclei"],
    colormap=["magenta", "green", "blue"],
[<Image layer 'tubulin' at 0x1754359a0>,
 <Image layer 'actin' at 0x28de57f40>,
 <Image layer 'nuclei' at 0x171d96e20>]
# add segmentation layers to the viewer
viewer.add_labels(labels_actin, name="actin_segmented")
viewer.add_labels(labels_nuclei, name="nuclei_segmented")
viewer.add_labels(labels_tubulin, name="tubulin_segmented")
<Labels layer 'tubulin_segmented' at 0x29eb3bc70>
analyzing frame 0
analyzing frame 1
analyzing frame 2
analyzing frame 3
analyzing frame 4
analyzing frame 5
analyzing frame 6
analyzing frame 7
Napari status bar display of label properties disabled because https://github.com/napari/napari/issues/5417 and https://github.com/napari/napari/issues/4342

Quantitative features extraction interactively in napari#

Optional step. Measurements in the notebook performed a few cells below.

screenshot = viewer.screenshot(canvas_only=False)

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
# if measurements were performed interactively in napari, now they can be accessted like this as a dictionary:
measurements_dict = viewer.layers["nuclei_segmented"].properties
# convert the dictionary to a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(measurements_dict)
label area bbox_area equivalent_diameter convex_area max_intensity mean_intensity min_intensity perimeter perimeter_crofton extent local_centroid-0 local_centroid-1 solidity feret_diameter_max major_axis_length minor_axis_length orientation eccentricity standard_deviation_intensity aspect_ratio roundness circularity frame index
0 1 995.0 1140.0 35.593164 1012.0 0.318160 0.192936 0.105085 117.355339 113.941355 0.872807 13.660302 18.520603 0.983202 41.340053 40.112175 31.988605 1.412905 0.603347 0.034753 1.253952 0.787373 0.907877 0 1
1 2 722.0 864.0 30.319613 743.0 0.341404 0.232566 0.150121 103.112698 100.438485 0.835648 11.022161 17.437673 0.971736 39.824616 38.679820 24.131011 1.331999 0.781532 0.031844 1.602909 0.614439 0.853341 0 2
2 3 413.0 555.0 22.931374 423.0 0.228087 0.171470 0.128329 87.698485 85.824894 0.744144 5.702179 18.234867 0.976359 37.054015 35.867908 15.692725 1.558994 0.899211 0.018439 2.285639 0.408741 0.674801 0 3
3 4 372.0 468.0 21.763389 382.0 0.281840 0.177370 0.102663 89.006097 87.260938 0.794872 4.666667 21.000000 0.973822 39.458839 39.738610 12.541995 1.509661 0.948888 0.038201 3.168444 0.299935 0.590083 0 4
4 5 726.0 900.0 30.403485 740.0 0.326392 0.144293 0.065860 103.941125 101.223883 0.806667 10.513774 16.249311 0.981081 39.812058 37.585931 25.429371 -1.301553 0.736382 0.044673 1.478052 0.654329 0.844446 0 5
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1409 118 38.0 56.0 6.955796 38.0 0.376508 0.319449 0.276190 20.142136 21.777459 0.678571 3.500000 3.000000 1.000000 8.246211 7.864235 6.176876 -0.589370 0.618939 0.028576 1.273174 0.782313 1.177016 7 118
1410 119 1097.0 1296.0 37.373035 1114.0 0.418413 0.241001 0.137143 122.426407 118.749029 0.846451 18.824977 17.696445 0.984740 41.048752 38.329324 36.802085 -0.779520 0.279469 0.058766 1.041499 0.950724 0.919743 7 119
1411 120 740.0 891.0 30.695232 782.0 0.427937 0.226356 0.134603 106.769553 103.905400 0.830527 14.502703 15.629730 0.946292 36.235342 34.693218 28.141013 -1.564113 0.584854 0.065014 1.232835 0.782803 0.815731 7 120
1412 121 569.0 736.0 26.916042 582.0 0.307302 0.170925 0.059683 93.112698 90.957891 0.773098 12.956063 16.377856 0.977663 33.615473 32.447875 23.567972 -1.450031 0.687343 0.066007 1.376778 0.688097 0.824716 7 121
1413 122 51.0 75.0 8.058239 55.0 0.267302 0.212910 0.158730 31.899495 32.924135 0.680000 2.647059 7.470588 0.927273 15.033296 15.023275 4.513616 -1.537877 0.953800 0.024578 3.328435 0.287707 0.629814 7 122

1414 rows × 25 columns

Note: There is a frame column, which indicates from which frame the object comes from. In our case, since our generated image is not a true timelapse, frame indicates at which compound concentration the image was taken.

Learn more about different extracted features here.

Same measurements can be done in the notebook#

# define properties that will be extracted
properties = ['label', 'area', 'bbox_area', 'equivalent_diameter', 'mean_intensity', 'min_intensity', 'max_intensity', 'perimeter', 'perimeter_crofton', 'extent', 'local_centroid', 'solidity', 'feret_diameter_max', 'major_axis_length', 'minor_axis_length', 'eccentricity', 'orientation', 'solidity']
measurements_list = []

for t in tqdm(range(img.shape[0])):

    image = img[t, 0, :, :, 2] # or viewer.layers["nuclei"].data[t]

    # measurements = cle.statistics_of_labelled_pixels(intensity_image = viewer.layers["nuclei"].data[t], label_image = labels_nuclei[t][0])
    measurements = regionprops_table(labels_nuclei[t][0], intensity_image=image, properties=properties)
    # neighborhood statistics if needed can be extracted like this:
    # neighborhood_stats = cle.statistics_of_labelled_neighbors(label_image = labels_nuclei[t][0], nearest_neighbor_ns=(2, 4, 6), proximal_distances=([100]), dilation_radii=[])
    # convert dictionaries to pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(measurements)
    # df_neighbors = pd.DataFrame(neighborhood_stats) neighborhood measurements performed only for actin & tubulin channels
    # if neighborhood measurements were extracted both dataframes can be combined like this
    # combined_df = pd.merge(df, df_neighbors, on='label')
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:01<00:00,  7.74it/s]
# combine measurements from all timepoints into one dataframe
dapi_df = pd.concat(measurements_list, keys=range(len(measurements_list)))

# reset index to move 'frame' from the index to a regular column
dapi_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
dapi_df.rename(columns={'level_0': 'frame'}, inplace=True)
# add a suffix '_dapi' to each column name except 'label' to indicate that the measurements are coming from this channel
final_df = dapi_df.rename(columns={col: col + '_dapi' if col not in ['label', 'frame'] else col for col in dapi_df.columns})
frame label area_dapi bbox_area_dapi equivalent_diameter_dapi mean_intensity_dapi min_intensity_dapi max_intensity_dapi perimeter_dapi perimeter_crofton_dapi extent_dapi local_centroid-0_dapi local_centroid-1_dapi solidity_dapi feret_diameter_max_dapi major_axis_length_dapi minor_axis_length_dapi eccentricity_dapi orientation_dapi
0 0 1 995.0 1140.0 35.593164 0.291974 0.115909 0.415909 117.355339 113.941355 0.872807 13.660302 18.520603 0.983202 41.340053 40.112175 31.988605 0.603347 1.412905
1 0 2 722.0 864.0 30.319613 0.267253 0.093182 0.388636 103.112698 100.438485 0.835648 11.022161 17.437673 0.971736 39.824616 38.679820 24.131011 0.781532 1.331999
2 0 3 413.0 555.0 22.931374 0.247964 0.152273 0.343182 87.698485 85.824894 0.744144 5.702179 18.234867 0.976359 37.054015 35.867908 15.692725 0.899211 1.558994
3 0 4 372.0 468.0 21.763389 0.230285 0.102273 0.329545 89.006097 87.260938 0.794872 4.666667 21.000000 0.973822 39.458839 39.738610 12.541995 0.948888 1.509661
4 0 5 726.0 900.0 30.403485 0.256483 0.138636 0.361364 103.941125 101.223883 0.806667 10.513774 16.249311 0.981081 39.812058 37.585931 25.429371 0.736382 -1.301553
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
117 7 118 38.0 56.0 6.955796 0.253128 0.177358 0.328302 20.142136 21.777459 0.678571 3.500000 3.000000 1.000000 8.246211 7.864235 6.176876 0.618939 -0.589370
118 7 119 1097.0 1296.0 37.373035 0.285723 0.147170 0.381132 122.426407 118.749029 0.846451 18.824977 17.696445 0.984740 41.048752 38.329324 36.802085 0.279469 -0.779520
119 7 120 740.0 891.0 30.695232 0.251020 0.135849 0.324528 106.769553 103.905400 0.830527 14.502703 15.629730 0.946292 36.235342 34.693218 28.141013 0.584854 -1.564113
120 7 121 569.0 736.0 26.916042 0.218238 0.154717 0.286792 93.112698 90.957891 0.773098 12.956063 16.377856 0.977663 33.615473 32.447875 23.567972 0.687343 -1.450031
121 7 122 51.0 75.0 8.058239 0.193045 0.150943 0.241509 31.899495 32.924135 0.680000 2.647059 7.470588 0.927273 15.033296 15.023275 4.513616 0.953800 -1.537877

1414 rows × 19 columns

Get measurements for actin and tubulin channels#


measurements_list = []

for t in tqdm(range(img.shape[0])):

    image = img[t, 0, :, :, 1] # or viewer.layers["actin"].data[t]

    measurements = regionprops_table(labels_nuclei[t][0], intensity_image=image, properties=properties)
    #neighborhood_stats = cle.statistics_of_labelled_neighbors(label_image = labels_actin[t][0], nearest_neighbor_ns=(2, 4, 6), proximal_distances=([100]), dilation_radii=[])
    # convert dictionaries to pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(measurements)
    #df_neighbors = pd.DataFrame(neighborhood_stats)
    #combined_df = pd.merge(df, df_neighbors, on='label')
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:01<00:00,  7.80it/s]
# combine measurements from all timepoints into one dataframe
actin_df = pd.concat(measurements_list, keys=range(len(measurements_list)))

# reset index to move 'frame' from the index to a regular column
actin_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
actin_df.rename(columns={'level_0': 'frame'}, inplace=True)
# add a suffix '_actin' to each column name except 'label' to indicate that the measurements are coming from this channel
actin_final_df = actin_df.rename(columns={col: col + '_actin' if col not in ['label', 'frame'] else col for col in actin_df.columns})
measurements_list = []

for t in tqdm(range(img.shape[0])):

    image = img[t, 0, :, :, 0] # or viewer.layers["tubulin"].data[t]

    measurements = regionprops_table(labels_nuclei[t][0], intensity_image=image, properties=properties)

    # measurements = cle.statistics_of_labelled_pixels(intensity_image = image, label_image = labels_tubulin[t][0])
    # neighborhood_stats = cle.statistics_of_labelled_neighbors(label_image = labels_tubulin[t][0], nearest_neighbor_ns=(2, 4, 6), proximal_distances=([100]), dilation_radii=[])
    # convert dictionaries to pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(measurements)
    # df_neighbors = pd.DataFrame(neighborhood_stats)
    # combined_df = pd.merge(df, df_neighbors, on='label')
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00,  8.70it/s]
# combine measurements from all timepoints into one dataframe
tubulin_df = pd.concat(measurements_list, keys=range(len(measurements_list)))

# reset index to move 'frame' from the index to a regular column
tubulin_df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
tubulin_df.rename(columns={'level_0': 'frame'}, inplace=True)
# add a suffix '_tubulin' to each column name except 'label' to indicate that the measurements are coming from this channel
tubulin_final_df = tubulin_df.rename(columns={col: col + '_tubulin' if col not in ['label', 'frame'] else col for col in tubulin_df.columns})

Combine all dataframes into one#

df_combined = pd.merge(final_df, actin_final_df, on=['label', 'frame'])
df_combined = pd.merge(df_combined, tubulin_final_df, on=['label', 'frame'])
frame label area_dapi bbox_area_dapi equivalent_diameter_dapi mean_intensity_dapi min_intensity_dapi max_intensity_dapi perimeter_dapi perimeter_crofton_dapi extent_dapi local_centroid-0_dapi local_centroid-1_dapi solidity_dapi feret_diameter_max_dapi major_axis_length_dapi minor_axis_length_dapi eccentricity_dapi orientation_dapi area_actin bbox_area_actin equivalent_diameter_actin mean_intensity_actin min_intensity_actin max_intensity_actin perimeter_actin perimeter_crofton_actin extent_actin local_centroid-0_actin local_centroid-1_actin solidity_actin feret_diameter_max_actin major_axis_length_actin minor_axis_length_actin eccentricity_actin orientation_actin area_tubulin bbox_area_tubulin equivalent_diameter_tubulin mean_intensity_tubulin min_intensity_tubulin max_intensity_tubulin perimeter_tubulin perimeter_crofton_tubulin extent_tubulin local_centroid-0_tubulin local_centroid-1_tubulin solidity_tubulin feret_diameter_max_tubulin major_axis_length_tubulin minor_axis_length_tubulin eccentricity_tubulin orientation_tubulin
0 0 1 995.0 1140.0 35.593164 0.291974 0.115909 0.415909 117.355339 113.941355 0.872807 13.660302 18.520603 0.983202 41.340053 40.112175 31.988605 0.603347 1.412905 995.0 1140.0 35.593164 0.114951 0.092154 0.149440 117.355339 113.941355 0.872807 13.660302 18.520603 0.983202 41.340053 40.112175 31.988605 0.603347 1.412905 995.0 1140.0 35.593164 0.192936 0.105085 0.318160 117.355339 113.941355 0.872807 13.660302 18.520603 0.983202 41.340053 40.112175 31.988605 0.603347 1.412905
1 0 2 722.0 864.0 30.319613 0.267253 0.093182 0.388636 103.112698 100.438485 0.835648 11.022161 17.437673 0.971736 39.824616 38.679820 24.131011 0.781532 1.331999 722.0 864.0 30.319613 0.199218 0.115816 0.387298 103.112698 100.438485 0.835648 11.022161 17.437673 0.971736 39.824616 38.679820 24.131011 0.781532 1.331999 722.0 864.0 30.319613 0.232566 0.150121 0.341404 103.112698 100.438485 0.835648 11.022161 17.437673 0.971736 39.824616 38.679820 24.131011 0.781532 1.331999
2 0 3 413.0 555.0 22.931374 0.247964 0.152273 0.343182 87.698485 85.824894 0.744144 5.702179 18.234867 0.976359 37.054015 35.867908 15.692725 0.899211 1.558994 413.0 555.0 22.931374 0.148291 0.112080 0.278954 87.698485 85.824894 0.744144 5.702179 18.234867 0.976359 37.054015 35.867908 15.692725 0.899211 1.558994 413.0 555.0 22.931374 0.171470 0.128329 0.228087 87.698485 85.824894 0.744144 5.702179 18.234867 0.976359 37.054015 35.867908 15.692725 0.899211 1.558994
3 0 4 372.0 468.0 21.763389 0.230285 0.102273 0.329545 89.006097 87.260938 0.794872 4.666667 21.000000 0.973822 39.458839 39.738610 12.541995 0.948888 1.509661 372.0 468.0 21.763389 0.172676 0.100872 0.283935 89.006097 87.260938 0.794872 4.666667 21.000000 0.973822 39.458839 39.738610 12.541995 0.948888 1.509661 372.0 468.0 21.763389 0.177370 0.102663 0.281840 89.006097 87.260938 0.794872 4.666667 21.000000 0.973822 39.458839 39.738610 12.541995 0.948888 1.509661
4 0 5 726.0 900.0 30.403485 0.256483 0.138636 0.361364 103.941125 101.223883 0.806667 10.513774 16.249311 0.981081 39.812058 37.585931 25.429371 0.736382 -1.301553 726.0 900.0 30.403485 0.168029 0.109589 0.250311 103.941125 101.223883 0.806667 10.513774 16.249311 0.981081 39.812058 37.585931 25.429371 0.736382 -1.301553 726.0 900.0 30.403485 0.144293 0.065860 0.326392 103.941125 101.223883 0.806667 10.513774 16.249311 0.981081 39.812058 37.585931 25.429371 0.736382 -1.301553
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1409 7 118 38.0 56.0 6.955796 0.253128 0.177358 0.328302 20.142136 21.777459 0.678571 3.500000 3.000000 1.000000 8.246211 7.864235 6.176876 0.618939 -0.589370 38.0 56.0 6.955796 0.178032 0.148515 0.213579 20.142136 21.777459 0.678571 3.500000 3.000000 1.000000 8.246211 7.864235 6.176876 0.618939 -0.589370 38.0 56.0 6.955796 0.319449 0.276190 0.376508 20.142136 21.777459 0.678571 3.500000 3.000000 1.000000 8.246211 7.864235 6.176876 0.618939 -0.589370
1410 7 119 1097.0 1296.0 37.373035 0.285723 0.147170 0.381132 122.426407 118.749029 0.846451 18.824977 17.696445 0.984740 41.048752 38.329324 36.802085 0.279469 -0.779520 1097.0 1296.0 37.373035 0.147681 0.114569 0.230552 122.426407 118.749029 0.846451 18.824977 17.696445 0.984740 41.048752 38.329324 36.802085 0.279469 -0.779520 1097.0 1296.0 37.373035 0.241001 0.137143 0.418413 122.426407 118.749029 0.846451 18.824977 17.696445 0.984740 41.048752 38.329324 36.802085 0.279469 -0.779520
1411 7 120 740.0 891.0 30.695232 0.251020 0.135849 0.324528 106.769553 103.905400 0.830527 14.502703 15.629730 0.946292 36.235342 34.693218 28.141013 0.584854 -1.564113 740.0 891.0 30.695232 0.207514 0.125884 0.325318 106.769553 103.905400 0.830527 14.502703 15.629730 0.946292 36.235342 34.693218 28.141013 0.584854 -1.564113 740.0 891.0 30.695232 0.226356 0.134603 0.427937 106.769553 103.905400 0.830527 14.502703 15.629730 0.946292 36.235342 34.693218 28.141013 0.584854 -1.564113
1412 7 121 569.0 736.0 26.916042 0.218238 0.154717 0.286792 93.112698 90.957891 0.773098 12.956063 16.377856 0.977663 33.615473 32.447875 23.567972 0.687343 -1.450031 569.0 736.0 26.916042 0.126525 0.104668 0.161245 93.112698 90.957891 0.773098 12.956063 16.377856 0.977663 33.615473 32.447875 23.567972 0.687343 -1.450031 569.0 736.0 26.916042 0.170925 0.059683 0.307302 93.112698 90.957891 0.773098 12.956063 16.377856 0.977663 33.615473 32.447875 23.567972 0.687343 -1.450031
1413 7 122 51.0 75.0 8.058239 0.193045 0.150943 0.241509 31.899495 32.924135 0.680000 2.647059 7.470588 0.927273 15.033296 15.023275 4.513616 0.953800 -1.537877 51.0 75.0 8.058239 0.173198 0.147100 0.199434 31.899495 32.924135 0.680000 2.647059 7.470588 0.927273 15.033296 15.023275 4.513616 0.953800 -1.537877 51.0 75.0 8.058239 0.212910 0.158730 0.267302 31.899495 32.924135 0.680000 2.647059 7.470588 0.927273 15.033296 15.023275 4.513616 0.953800 -1.537877

1414 rows × 53 columns

# since we have a lot of measurements, remove a few columns, which are not interesting, e.g. relevant ones for 3D images or redundant
# substrings_to_check = ["_z_", "bbox_depth_", "bbox_min_", "bbox_max_", "touch_portion"]
# columns_to_drop = [col for col in df_combined.columns if any(sub in col for sub in substrings_to_check)]
# columns_to_drop.extend(["original_label_dapi", "original_label_actin", "original_label_tubulin"])
# df_combined.drop(columns=columns_to_drop, inplace=True)
# df_combined
viewer.layers['tubulin_segmented'].properties = df_combined
# save the dataframe to a csv file
df_combined.to_csv(f'{filename}_measurements.csv', index=False)