Statistics using Scikit-image#

We can use scikit-image for extracting features from label images. For convenience reasons we use the napari-skimage-regionprops library.

Before we can do measurements, we need an image and a corresponding label_image. Therefore, we recapitulate filtering, thresholding and labeling:

from import imread
from skimage import filters
from skimage import measure
from napari_skimage_regionprops import regionprops_table
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np
import stackview
# load image
image = imread("data/blobs.tif")

shape(254, 256)
size63.5 kB
# denoising
blurred_image = filters.gaussian(image, sigma=1)

# binarization
threshold = filters.threshold_otsu(blurred_image)
thresholded_image = blurred_image >= threshold

# labeling
label_image = measure.label(thresholded_image)

# visualization
shape(254, 256)
size254.0 kB

Measurements / region properties#

We are now using the very handy function regionprops_table. It provides features based on the scikit-image regionprops list of measurements library. Let us check first what we need to provide for this function:

    image: 'napari.types.ImageData',
    labels: 'napari.types.LabelsData',
    size: bool = True,
    intensity: bool = True,
    perimeter: bool = False,
    shape: bool = False,
    position: bool = False,
    moments: bool = False,
    napari_viewer: 'napari.Viewer' = None,
) -> 'pandas.DataFrame'
Docstring: Adds a table widget to a given napari viewer with quantitative analysis results derived from an image-label pair.
File:      c:\users\haase\mambaforge\envs\tea2024\lib\site-packages\napari_skimage_regionprops\
Type:      function
df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(image , label_image, 
                                           perimeter = True, 
                                           shape = True, 
label area bbox_area equivalent_diameter convex_area max_intensity mean_intensity min_intensity perimeter perimeter_crofton ... bbox-0 bbox-1 bbox-2 bbox-3 weighted_centroid-0 weighted_centroid-1 standard_deviation_intensity aspect_ratio roundness circularity
0 1 429.0 750.0 23.371345 479.0 232.0 191.440559 128.0 89.012193 87.070368 ... 0 10 30 35 13.130723 19.987532 29.793138 2.088249 0.451572 0.680406
1 2 183.0 231.0 15.264430 190.0 224.0 179.846995 128.0 53.556349 53.456120 ... 0 53 11 74 4.156053 63.178901 21.270534 1.782168 0.530849 0.801750
2 3 658.0 756.0 28.944630 673.0 248.0 205.604863 120.0 95.698485 93.409370 ... 0 95 28 122 12.485897 108.430312 29.392255 1.067734 0.918683 0.902871
3 4 433.0 529.0 23.480049 445.0 248.0 217.515012 120.0 77.455844 76.114262 ... 0 144 23 167 9.630850 154.408732 35.852345 1.061942 0.917813 0.906963
4 5 472.0 551.0 24.514670 486.0 248.0 213.033898 128.0 83.798990 82.127941 ... 0 237 29 256 13.051158 247.170738 28.741080 1.579415 0.621952 0.844645
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
57 58 213.0 285.0 16.468152 221.0 224.0 184.525822 120.0 52.284271 52.250114 ... 232 39 251 54 240.563200 46.034602 28.255467 1.296143 0.771094 0.979146
58 59 79.0 108.0 10.029253 84.0 248.0 184.810127 128.0 39.313708 39.953250 ... 248 170 254 188 251.276164 178.373151 33.739912 3.173540 0.300766 0.642316
59 60 88.0 110.0 10.585135 92.0 216.0 182.727273 128.0 45.692388 46.196967 ... 249 117 254 139 251.403483 127.717413 24.417173 4.021193 0.238521 0.529669
60 61 52.0 75.0 8.136858 56.0 248.0 189.538462 128.0 30.692388 32.924135 ... 249 227 254 242 251.671266 234.202922 37.867411 2.839825 0.322190 0.693668
61 62 48.0 68.0 7.817640 53.0 224.0 173.833333 128.0 33.071068 35.375614 ... 250 66 254 83 252.038351 73.570470 27.987596 4.417297 0.213334 0.551512

62 rows × 31 columns

As you can see, we have now plenty of features to investigate. We can print out all feature names with the keys function:

Index(['label', 'area', 'bbox_area', 'equivalent_diameter', 'convex_area',
       'max_intensity', 'mean_intensity', 'min_intensity', 'perimeter',
       'perimeter_crofton', 'extent', 'local_centroid-0', 'local_centroid-1',
       'solidity', 'feret_diameter_max', 'major_axis_length',
       'minor_axis_length', 'orientation', 'eccentricity', 'centroid-0',
       'centroid-1', 'bbox-0', 'bbox-1', 'bbox-2', 'bbox-3',
       'weighted_centroid-0', 'weighted_centroid-1',
       'standard_deviation_intensity', 'aspect_ratio', 'roundness',

We can select some columns that we want to focus on like this:

df_selection = df[['label', 'area', 'extent', 'aspect_ratio', 'roundness', 'circularity']]
label area extent aspect_ratio roundness circularity
0 1 429.0 0.572000 2.088249 0.451572 0.680406
1 2 183.0 0.792208 1.782168 0.530849 0.801750
2 3 658.0 0.870370 1.067734 0.918683 0.902871
3 4 433.0 0.818526 1.061942 0.917813 0.906963
4 5 472.0 0.856624 1.579415 0.621952 0.844645
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
57 58 213.0 0.747368 1.296143 0.771094 0.979146
58 59 79.0 0.731481 3.173540 0.300766 0.642316
59 60 88.0 0.800000 4.021193 0.238521 0.529669
60 61 52.0 0.693333 2.839825 0.322190 0.693668
61 62 48.0 0.705882 4.417297 0.213334 0.551512

62 rows × 6 columns

And describe gives us basic statistics like max, mean, min and std of each feature:

label area extent aspect_ratio roundness circularity
count 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000 62.000000
mean 31.500000 355.370968 0.761363 1.637991 0.692418 0.894101
std 18.041619 211.367385 0.065208 0.794366 0.210973 0.183024
min 1.000000 7.000000 0.541102 1.048053 0.213334 0.529669
25% 16.250000 194.750000 0.744329 1.168451 0.538616 0.805774
50% 31.500000 366.000000 0.781076 1.316003 0.757485 0.925560
75% 46.750000 500.750000 0.799519 1.769976 0.851463 0.966037
max 62.000000 896.000000 0.870370 4.417297 0.974824 1.886542

If we’re interested in specific descriptive statistics, we can derive them directly from the columns.



Make a table with only area, mean_intensity, standard_deviation_intensity and label.

How many object are in the dataframe?

How large is the largest object?

What is the mean intensity of the brightest object?

What are mean and standard deviation intensity of the image?