Shape features#

In this notebook we will compare the impact of small manual modifications to labels/outlines on measured shape features.

import numpy as np
import stackview
import napari_skimage_regionprops as nsr
from skimage.morphology import disk

For demonstration purposes, we use a blank image and a circular region of interest.

image = np.zeros((50,50))
labels = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint32)
labels[9:40, 9:40] = disk(15)
shape(50, 50)
size9.8 kB

We can print out the roundness and circularity of this single object like this:

stats = nsr.regionprops_table(image, labels, shape=True)

print("roundness: ", stats['roundness'][0])
print("circularity: ", stats['circularity'][0])
roundness:  0.9996522134693254
circularity:  0.9106696648110818

Manual modification#

When executing the next cell, a small user-interface will open that allows you to modify the object. Change the Eraser radius to 1 and hold the ALT-Key while clicking to remove individual pixels from the object.

stackview.annotate(image, labels, zoom_factor=4)

When you are done modifying the object, continue executing the next code cells.

shape(50, 50)
size9.8 kB

As you can see, small modifications to the outline can have huge impact on individual metrics.

stats = nsr.regionprops_table(image, labels, shape=True)

print("roundness: ", stats['roundness'][0])
print("circularity: ", stats['circularity'][0])
roundness:  0.8564505192042108
circularity:  0.13777164107308135


Modify the code above to also measure aspect ratio and solidity.